Thursday, April 8, 2010

What I am working on

Since the last time I posted I actually purchased someone else's Space Wolves army. There were no painted minis and only around 25 or so assembled Grey Hunters. In total the purchase was 7 assembled but unpainted Rhinos, 7 boxes of grey hunter/blood claws a 'TDA Njal', a custom made Rune Priest and a really awesome magnetized Wolf Lord. A few weeks later at the local 40k swap meet, I was able to pick up a classic Njal and a Logan for a few bucks a piece so I have the start of a pretty decent list with all this stuff. I thought it would only take a month or so and I would be rolling out a new battle force.

The test squad is taking forever. Painting Space Wolves are such a pain. The models are so busy. On the cool side the modeling opportunities are awesome as each guy can be a unique member of the clan and that really fits with the fluff of the Space Wolves. On the suck side it is so frustrating to paint and assemble the guys as they require so much effort and planning. I feel as if the models are never finished. There was always one more wolf tooth necklace or wolf tail to paint. I attempted to assembly line 7 of guys, which was a really terrible idea as they all require different paint schemes as some had runes etched into the legs and others had multiple wolf skulls/pelts/tails/jewels placed in random locations. They just aren't similar enough for me to assembly line.

About half-way through my awful space-wolf experience, I realized why I didn't know how to paint these guys. The Sisters of Battle squads have 6 different sculpts. It's so easy to set every sculpt in the range in a line and paint because they all are so uniform. One may have a grenade or a bolt-pistol holster but overall they are the same chick. Same iconography in the same location on every single Sister. After putting together and painting a Sisters force I simply was not prepared for the amount of work that would need to go into a fully plastic high detail army. So back to the drawing board on the best way to get the Space Wolves on the table. I may just do basing, undercoating and the basecoat as an assembly line and then treat each model as an individual project. Hopefully I can get some images on the site so anyone who cares can see the skill level I work at and maybe make some suggestions. Lrn to piant not withstanding.

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