Tuesday, July 17, 2012

So sixth edition has come and moved me back into being interested in 40k again. Allies have me working on tons of projects and planning on heading to a . Current projects include: 

1. God Awful Belial conversion. It is hideous/hilarious.  

2. First squad of Deathwing painted, forgeworld Shoulders ordered...

3. Converting combi-weapons from the Commander sprue and stormbolter clips into combi-weapons for a Stermguard/Deathwatch squad.  Have bodies and shoulder pads from Wolves/Dark Angels/Ultras/Crimson Fists (need a Blood Angel body and shoulder pad)  to build a squad. I have an extra Cannoness I was thinking of painting up as the Sarge. Want to create a Deathwatch detachment to ally with Pedro. I have always been fascinated with the Deathwatch as it was one of the original things I learned about in the 40k . 

4. I have a 20 sister squad working for allying. Ten are solid and completly painted and magnitized. Need to test out my purity spray and give them a coat. 

5. Immolator and dominion squad. 

6. Want to convert my Cannoness into Celestine as I have misplaced the model for Celestine. I have the bits just not the body. Very strange. I do love the Cannoness though one of the first models I painted that I was proud of. 

7. Creating bases for my Seraphim Squad. Going for an urban rubble look. 

8. Ezekiel - Freshening up the model.

Lots to do. With Allies though I feel like everything I do is closer to a working army which is a big change from the last edition. 


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